CIS 372 - Spring 2000

University of Delaware

Guide for Student Presentations

Syllabus Description

(15%) Short oral presentation on a real-life application of parallelism. You will search the web for a demonstration of an application that depends on parallelism to achieve its goal, and present a short (15 minute) presentation describing the application and how it utilizes parallelism and why parallelism is so crucial to its success.

The Process

  1. Pair up with someone in the class to do this project.

  2. Do a quick web search, and create a short list of real-life applications you will choose from for your final presentation. A short list is 2-3 potential applications to examine.

  3. Hand in the following in class, April 23: A single sheet of paper that contains:
    1. The names of the people in your group.
    2. The short list of potential applications to examine. For each item on the list, write at least 2 sentences describing enough of the application to clue me in on what it is. Just a single word or two is not enough to let me know what you are investigating.

    3. The source of information that you have found on each of the topics, in order to start preparing for your presentation. A web site address for each one is fine. An article from a journal, magazine, or conference is also fine. For an article, list the citation.

  4. Reserve a presentation time by signing the chart in class on Thursday, April 23.

  5. Create an outline for a 15 minute talk on paper, focusing on the items listed below.

  6. Decide how you will share the responsibility of the preparation and presentation. Each person should give part of the presentation.

  7. Create the overheads in the final form, printed on overhead slides or using a laptop.

  8. Practice your talk aloud at least twoce before presenting it on your scheduled presentation date.

  9. If possible, spend 10-30 minutes going over your talk as close to your presentation time as possible to refamiliarize yourselves with what you want to say.

  10. Give your presentation to the class.

Some Suggested Web Sites

applications overview and links to other sites:
global climate modeling:
nuclear well logging:
visualization of Tokamak Gyro-fluid turbulence:
modeling subsurface flow and chemical migration:
three-dimensional hydrodynamic instability and turbulence modeling:
modeling biomechanics of human joints and prosthetic implants:
3-d seismic imaging of complex geologies:
modeling materials:

General Suggestions

  1. Organize your talk well in advance.

    A typical organization for a talk on the topics for this presentation is as follows:

    1. Overview: General overview of the application area. What kinds of general problems are they trying to solve? Ex. weather modeling, what kinds of weather modeling?
    2. Justification: Usefulness of the application: how is the application beneficial? Why is it important? Ex. helps in predicting the weather, preparing for hurricanes,...
    3. Underlying Computational Methods: More detailed look at the computational methods used to solve these problems. Is it a numerical computation? If so, what kinds of numerical computation is being done? Is a simulation? If so, what is involved in the simulation? Ex. finite element code, partial differential equations, Jacobi iteration, sparse matrix computations... Try to explain in layperson terms what the method does.
    4. Potential for Parallelism: How is parallelism important to the application? How can parallelism benefit the application? What kind of parallelism is possible? Ex. data parallelism on the points in the atmosphere, data parallelism on the particles in the simulation,...
    5. Parallelization Details: What language, library, architecture... have the researchers used to gain parallelism in their application? Ex. MPI message passing on a cluster of 100 DEC Alpha workstations, High Performance Fortran on an SGI Powerchallenge with 12 processors,...
    6. Demonstrated Performance Gains: Do the folks have any performance numbers to show how their application is aided by parallelism? If so, show some of their speedups?
    7. Closing Remarks: Has parallelism solved their problems?

  2. Put some thought into what you want to put on your slides. They will drive the flow of your talk.

  3. Take on the challenge of capturing the audience's attention with your introduction, keeping them interested through your slides and possibly some light humor, avoiding burial in a pile of details, and teaching them the most important points/issues about your topic.

  4. Practice your talk aloud to yourself or to a group of colleagues. This is the only way that you can be sure that you have the appropriate amount of material to cover no more and no less than 15 minutes. This also gives you confidence in what you are going to say.

  5. If possible, spend 10-30 minutes going over your talk to yourself as close to your presentation time as possible to refamiliarize yourself with what you want to say. I always go over my talks and lectures within the hour of when I am going to do the presentation. It makes a world of difference.

Delivery of the Talk

  1. Eye contact: You should glance around the room, making eye contact with various people. The talk should not be directed to the ceiling, floor, the slide projector, or only a small portion of the class. If you do not want to look at anyone, just look over their heads.

  2. Voice: Be sure to talk at a pace that the audience can follow. Most of us tend to talk very quickly when we are nervous. You need to consciously be aware of how fast you are talking. Be sure to talk loud and clear enough that people in the back of the room can hear and understand you. If you think people are going to have trouble understanding your English, talk slower than normal.

Slide Preparation

You should take no more than 8 slides total. You can either put them through the laser printer to get slides made with output from the computer, print them out on paper and then xerox the paper versions, or use the appropriate colored pens for slides. Even if you decide to use the computer generated slides, you can still add color through underlining, bulleting, and overwriting key words. The department has some you can probably borrow, and I also have some you can borrow. They also sell them at the bookstore for a reasonable price. You should follow the following guidelines in preparing your slides.

  1. The rule of thumb is 2 minutes per slide. Therefore, a 15 minute talk should not consist of more than 8 slides.

  2. Plan your slides on notebook paper first with careful consideration of white space and the size of the letters. A good rule is 2 tablet lines height for a letter to insure that everyone can read your slides. Or, use slitex or WORD to create your slides. 18 point is the normal slide pointsize for readability.

  3. Begin each slide with a centered title that states in 1-4 words the contents of that slide.

  4. For a text slide, use outline style with short phrases as opposed to paragraphs of full sentences. Put no more than 4-5 main points (bullets) on a single slide. If you are worried that you might forget to say something if you do not have it written on a slide, write it on a separate sheet of paper that you can use as backup. When I first started giving talks, I used the sheets of paper separating the slides for this purpose. It is comforting to know that it is written down somewhere in front of you, but the audience does not have to see all of that writing. DO NOT PUT WHOLE PARAGRAPHS ON A SLIDE.

  5. Break up your talk with pictures and color whenever possible.

  6. Different font sizes, boldness, italics, and underlining should be used to demonstrate the relative importance of different points.

Evaluation of Presentations

Each student in the class will fill out an evaluation form for each presentation. These evaluations will be anonymous, and given to the students as feedback at the final exam. The instructor will independently grade each oral presentation. Both the student evaluation and the grade will be based on: the speaker's perceived understanding of the topic, organization of the material, presentation of the material, quality of visual aids, treatment of questions, enjoyment level of talk, and overall effectiveness of the presentation. The pair of students in charge of a given topic will receive the same grade for the presentation.

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Tue Apr 14 14:06:57 EDT 1998