Instructions for running L-Edit (rev 8 Feb02)  

The computers/labs are: 318 Evans

-You need a color computer 

To Run LEdit

To run the program type: ' ledit ' from your L-Edit directory

-Program should run on the SUN workstations as long as the color setting is 256  

-If running an xterm on a Sun SPARC workstation (such as in 318 Evans), the colors have to be changed to 256. To do this, use the following command to start Xwindows:

openwin -dev /dev/fb defclass staticcolor defdepth 8

be careful to observe the space after the "-dev "

(if necessary, use Ctrl-C to stop the automatic Xwindows startup)

(students will have to remember to logoff the systems when they exit since the autologin/autologout script was stopped.)

-If running an xterm on a PC (such as through Exceed), the colors have to be changed to 256. To do this click on the right mouse button when on the desktop and go to "Properties" then 'settings' and choose 256 colors. The computer then needs to be restarted.

-If running an xterm on an SGI workstation, it is necessary to login to the UNIX system in order to run L-Edit. To do this, use the following command:


By one of the above 3 methods, access your L-Edit directory and from there type "ledit"

Follow instructions per Section 1.3 of the Uyemura text.

From the "File" menu, choose "new...", and name your file.

Experiment: click on the rectangle in the Tool Palette; click on a layer type in the Layer Palette; and then click and drag between 2 points in the Work Area.

Save your files with the .tdb extension.

To print your plot, select the Print/Plo... option from the File menu and give the same file name but with the .eps extension (encapsulated postscript) (careful that the last character typed is sometimes hidden) Then from a Unix window, type:

lpr -Pprintername filename.eps

For example:

lpr -Ppokemon circuit1.eps

prints the file circuit1.eps to the printer "Pokemon" in 318 Evans

Exit by choosing the Quit command in the File menu.

(these hints are courtesy of Messrs. Adam, Dashiell, Katulka, Li, and Troeger)