Instructions to prepare Unix for running L-Edit (rev 8 Feb 02)  

The computers/labs are: 318 Evans

To Set Unix paths to Run LEdit

Enter these two lines into the .cshrc file on unix account using your favorite editor such as vi or pico:

setenv LSHOST

set path = ($path /usr/local/tanner/bin)

Then restart x-term or type source .cshrc. If you already have a "set path" statement, you will need to incorporate the above path into your preexisting one. Typing: ' source /usr/local/tanner/README ' at the UNIX prompt will also supply the correct paths, but you would need to do this everytime you log in.

I would recommend creating a dedicated Ledit directory, where you would execute the program from. Into your Ledit directory, copy the following files from this directory: /usr/local/tanner/bin/





example.tdb (may be in /usr/local/tanner/samples)

then rename the file "ledit.drcextspr.sparc" to "ledit"

such as with the command: cp ledit.drcextspr.sparc ledit

To run the program type: ' ledit ' to begin the program

-Program should run on the SUN SPARCs 

-You need a color computer 

-If running an xterm on a PC (such as through Exceed) as I have, the colors have to be changed to 256. To do this click on the right mouse button when on the desktop and go to 'settings' and choose 256 colors. The computer then needs to be restarted.

Save your files with the .tdb extension.

To print your plot, select the Print option from the File menu and give the same file name but with the .eps extension (encapsulated postscript) Then from a Unix window, type:

lpr -Pprintername filename.eps

For example:

lpr -Ppokemon circuit1.eps

prints the file circuit1.eps to the printer named "pokemon" in 318 Evans