Subject: running SUPREM (Stanford University Process Engineering Modeling) software

Date: 22 April 2002  From: Jian Li and Thomas Troeger and Gary Katulka


Here are some brief instructions to get started.



1. check out the Stanford University website to access SUPREM

model examples and for gaining practice/experience with the code. 


Stanford Univ. Website:


Click the left hotbutton, "TOOLS" then select “SUPREM IV GS”

under Process Modeling


To browse through the users manual,

Under the “Table of Contents” select “User's Reference Manual”


To browse through some sample simulations,

Under the “Table of Contents” select “Examples”, then example: “18. CIS BiCMOS LOCOS Simulation”,

which is similar to the assignment below that we will review.


(Note: A full operators manual for the older version of SUPREM resides at this website under the

hotbuttons, "TOOLS" then "SUPREM3."

The manual is a big file so avoid printing it out.)



2.  log on to the eecis UNIX computers


3.  under your own directory, make a directory called suprem


4.  (for your first usage, do this step AFTER step 5 below:) type "cd suprem" to enter, then type "set path=/usr/local/suprem/rel.9130" ; then the suprem command will be available.


5.  type "emacs input100" to use the EMACs editor, then copy the following text in and then save (or use another editor such as “vi”).

The input file of “input100” will be in your suprem directory.


#Title CIS BiCMOS Bipolar part in 2D


#set some stuff

set echo

option chat


#x dimension

line x loc=0.0 spacing=0.2  tag=left

line x loc=1.0 spacing=0.05

line x loc=2.0 spacing=0.2 tag=right


#y dimension

line y loc=0.0 tag=top

line y loc=1.0 tag=bottom 



region silicon xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=bottom


#exposed surface

bound exposed xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=top


#Comment  Start with <100> Silicon, p doped to 20 ohm resistivity.

initialize  boron conc=9.0e14 ori=100


oxide orient=100 wet lin.h.0=2.428e6  lin.l.0=2.793e4



#suprem iv default coefficients

boron silicon Dix.0=0.37 Dip.0=0.72 Dix.E=3.46 Dip.E=3.46

arsenic silicon Dix.0=8.0 Dim.0=12.8 Dix.E=4.05 Dim.E=4.05


#Comment  Pad Oxidation.

method compress init=1.0e-3


#suprem4 barfs after the 1st anneal so take this one out

#diffuse time=3  temp=950  argon

diffuse time=42  temp=950  dryo2


deposit nitride thick=0.08 div=1

deposit photoresist thick=1



#Field implant mask at edge of collector


etch photoresist left  p1.x=1.0

etch nitride     left  p1.x=1.0


implant boron energy=100 dose=1e13


etch photoresist all

struct out=prefieldox.s


#Comment Field Ox


#----------Field oxidation 1000

# High Stress \g{m}\-{NITRIDE} = 1.59 x 10\+{10} exp(1.12/kT)


oxide   Vc=425 Vr=12.5 Vd=65 stress.dep=t

material   oxide   visc.0 = 2.25e14 visc.E = 0.000 visc.x = 0.499 wet

mater   nitride visc.0=4.3e14 visc.E=0.0


meth   viscous oxide.rel=1e-2


diffuse time=18  temp=1000   argon

diffuse time=10  temp=1000   dryo2

struct out=init.str


#diffuse time=190 temp=1000  weto2

#break up this step into several substeps


diffuse time=100 temp=1000 weto2 cont

struct out=100.str


#plot the final profile

select z=log10(oxide)

plot.2d bound fill y.max=1.0

foreach v (15.0 to 19.0 step 0.5)

   contour val=v





6.  type "xv" , then right click on it, and left click on the “grab” button in the window that opens.  Prepare to grab the plot from the SUPREM output that will appear from the next step:


7.  open another xterm and enter suprem directory, set path. then type"suprem input100" and wait for a minute and a plot window will appear


8.  use xv to grab the plot, which is the structure of oxidation layer. The units are microns. Then compare the plot thickness with standard values as described below.



Check the final oxide thickness and Si consumed thickness

with the values in the plots from the Stanford website.  To do

this you will have to go to the "TOOLS" hotbutton then the "SUPREM IV GS"

hotbutton.  The choose the "EXAMPLES" hotbutton, and pick examples such as:


 18, "CIS BiCMOS LOCOS Simulation."


Compare your SUPREM values with values from tables in the text.