Cadence hints III - Changing Cadence File Ownership

III.1. Follow these steps to make yourself the owner of the
Cadence library files:

(a) Recopy the .cdsinit file by typing the command

cp /usr/local/cadence/classes/EE650/.cdsinit /usa/"username"/EE650/.

Careful with the space after .cdsinit, and the final "."
Enter your login name in place of "username".

(b) Enter the EE650 directory, and type the command:

ls -al |more

Look for the files .cdsinit and EE650.lib. BOTH should be
in the directory. If so, it should be safe to run Cadence.

(c) From the EE650 directory, type

layoutPlus &

(d) From the "Library Browser" window,
with the MIDDLE (M) mouse button, hold on "EE650" and release on
"Change owner ..."

(e) In the " owner window, change from "rommel" to your login name.
Then click on OK or apply to confirm the changes.

(f) Exit Cadence, and restart to make sure that the updates
occurred. To verify, see if you can open scratch for editing.

Special thanks to Mr. Orner and Mr. Rommel for these discoveries.

III.2. Keep practicing ...