Scott Sorensen

(photo courtesy of Chris Linder)

PhD graduate, University of Delaware 2017 Email: sorensen 'at' udel 'dot' edu

I am a PhD graduate from the VIMS lab. Dr. Chandra Kambhamettu was my advisor. I completed my undergraduate work at Rowan University where I majored in computer science and mathematics. My research interests include stereo vision, structure from motion, and the design and construction of camera systems. My personal interests include travelling music and video games. I am an Eagle Scout and Tae Kwon Do black belt. After graduation I accepted a position with Vision System Inc. in Providence Rhode Island working with 3D reconstruction and modeling of geospatial data.

I have spent much of my time working on imaging sea ice, completing a number of successful field trips to the Arctic Ocean. Sea ice poses interesting problems to some traditional computer vision approaches, because it has large textureless regions and finding correspondences can be error prone and time consuming to compute. Additionally Polar regions offer challenges to the hardware and personel working in these places.


I have built and deployed the PSITRES camera system, a camera system designed for deployment on icebreakers. PSITRES was deployed aboard the RV Polarstern in 2012 aboard the Oden in 2013 and aboard the RV Sikuliaq in 2015.

I participated in the MERLIN/NAICEX project, a collaboration between the University of Delaware, University of Washington, and the US Naval Academy Polar Science Program.

I have been developing scientific Virtual Reality applications for visualization and interaction with 3D data including thermal imagery, stereo, and geospatial data.


  • Scott Sorensen, Abhishek Kolagunda, Andrew R. Mahoney, Daniel Zitterbart, Chandra Kambhamettu. A Virtual Reality Framework for Multimodal Imagery for Vessels in Polar Regions. Accepted at the 23rd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM)
  • Scott Sorensen, Wayne Treible, Chandra Kambhamettu. Surface Stereo for Shallow Underwater Scenes. Accepted at 2nd Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery (CVAUI 2016) at ICPR 2016
  • Scott Sorensen, Zachary S. Ladin, Chandra Kambhamettu. 2016. Rapid Development of Scientific Virtual Reality Applications. 45th Annual IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIRP) Conference on Imaging and Artificial Intelligence: Intersection and Synergy Washington DC (Best Student Paper Award)
  • Pengyuan Li, Scott Sorensen, Abhishek Kolagunda, Xiangying Jiang, Xiaolong Wang, Chandra Kambhamettu. UDEL CIS Working Notes in ImageCLEF 2016. Accepted at CLEF 2016.
  • Scott Sorensen, Philip Saponaro, Stephen Rhein, Chandra Kambhamettu. Multimodal Stereo Vision For Reconstruction In The Presence Of Reflection. Accepted at The British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2015.
  • Scott Sorensen, Abhishek Kolagunda, Philip Saponaro, Chandra Kambhamettu. Refractive Stereo Ray Tracing for Reconstruction Underwater Structures. Accepted at The International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015.
  • Philip Saponaro, Scott Sorensen, Stephen Rhein, Chandra Kambhamettu. Improving Calibration of Thermal Stereo Cameras Using Heated Calibration Board. Accepted at The International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015.
  • Philip Saponaro, Scott Sorensen, Abhishek Kolagunda, Stephen Rhein, Chandra Kambhamettu. Material Classification with Thermal Imagery. Accepted in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015 IEEE Conference on , June 2015
  • Philip Saponaro, Scott Sorensen, Stephen Rhein, Andrew R. Mahoney, and Chandra Kambhamettu. Reconstruction of Textureless Regions Using Structure from Motion and Image-based Interpolation. At The International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014
  • Xiaolong Wang, Vincent Ly, Scott Sorensen, Chandra Kambhamettu. Dog Breed Classification via Landmarks. at The International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014
  • Guoyu Lu, Scott Sorensen, Chandra Kambhamettu. Fast Ice Image Retrieval Based on A Multilayer System. In The IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference on Mobile Devices and Multimedia: Enabling Technologies, Algorithms, and Applications 2014
  • Rohith MV, Stephen Rhein,Guoyu Lu, Scott Sorensen, Andrew R. Mahoney, Hajo Eicken, G. Carleton Ray, Chandra Kambhamettu. Iterative reconstruction of large scenes using heterogeneous feature tracking. In the first workshop on Big Data Computer Vision, CVPR, 2013.
  • Rohith MV, Scott Sorensen, Stephen Rhein, Chandra Kambhamettu. Shape From Stereo and Shading by Gradient Cconstrained Interpolation. International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013.
  • Antje Boetius, Sebastian Albrecht, Karel Bakker, Christina Bienhold, Janine Felden, Mar Fernández-Méndez, Stefan Hendricks, Christian Katlein, Catherine Lalande, Thomas Krumpen, Marcel Nicolaus, Ilka Peeken, Benjamin Rabe, Antonina Rogacheva, Elena Rybakova, Raquel Somavilla, Frank Wenzhöfer1, RV Polarstern ARK27-3-Shipboard Science Party. Export of Algal Biomass from the Melting Arctic Sea Ice. Science. 22 March 2013.